



起手牌 Cards 赢的概率 Probability of Win 平均收益 Average Win 期望值 Expected Value 获牌机率 Probability
Pair of A’s 31.36% 9.91 2.1071 0.45%
Pair of K’s 26.43% 9.87 1.6079 0.45%
Pair of Q’s 22.66% 9.81 1.2224 0.45%
A/K suited 21.73% 9.52 1.0688 0.3%
Pair of J’s 19.84% 9.74 0.9318 0.45%
A/Q suited 20.44% 9.41 0.9239 0.3%
K/Q suited 19.8% 9.41 0.8639 0.3%
A/J suited 19.51% 9.31 0.8159 0.3%
K/J suited 18.94% 9.31 0.7636 0.3%
A/T suited 18.87% 9.2 0.7353 0.3%
Q/J suited 18.55% 9.28 0.7217 0.3%
A/K unsuited 18.29% 9.41 0.7209 0.9%
Pair of T’s 17.76% 9.65 0.7145 0.45%
K/T suited 18.34% 9.21 0.689 0.3%
Q/T suited 18.04% 9.19 0.6577 0.3%
J/T suited 18.07% 9.16 0.6552 0.3%
Pair of 9’s 16.05% 9.69 0.5559 0.45%
A/Q unsuited 16.78% 9.26 0.5539 0.9%
A/9 suited 16.87% 9.12 0.5377 0.3%
K/Q unsuited 16.3% 9.26 0.5098 0.9%
K/9 suited 16.22% 9.16 0.4854 0.3%
T/9 suited 16.33% 9.09 0.485 0.3%
A/8 suited 16.34% 9.03 0.4756 0.3%
J/9 suited 15.96% 9.12 0.4561 0.3%
Q/9 suited 15.89% 9.14 0.4527 0.3%
Pair of 8’s 14.96% 9.67 0.4471 0.45%
A/5 suited 16.23% 8.9 0.4447 0.3%
A/J unsuited 15.7% 9.1 0.4291 0.9%
A/7 suited 15.93% 8.96 0.4272 0.3%
A/4 suited 15.88% 8.94 0.4205 0.3%
A/3 suited 15.51% 9 0.3957 0.3%
K/J unsuited 15.3% 9.11 0.3944 0.9%
A/6 suited 15.62% 8.91 0.3916 0.3%
Q/J unsuited 15.07% 9.08 0.3687 0.9%
Pair of 7’s 14.14% 9.65 0.3647 0.45%
A/2 suited 15.02% 9.04 0.3579 0.3%
K/8 suited 15.03% 9.03 0.3568 0.3%
T/8 suited 15.05% 9 0.3556 0.3%
9/8 suited 14.69% 9.11 0.3388 0.3%
A/T unsuited 14.93% 8.94 0.3353 0.9%





补牌总数 Outs 未知牌中可以完成你一副特定牌型的牌数“转牌翻开以后,我有四张红桃,在未知牌中我有9张补牌(9张红桃牌)完成我的红桃同花”
成牌概率Hand Odds 形成一手特定牌型的概率“转牌翻开以后,我有四张红桃,我完成红桃同花牌型概率为9比47,大约为5分之1”
总注概率 Pot Odds 你下一步所下赌注与桌面上总赌注的百分比 “桌面上总赌注已达$200,我只要下$10赌注就可以进入下一轮,如果我能完成我的顺子,赌注概率对我非常有利。
下注概率 Bet Odds 你下注以后,根据后面跟注玩家的人数而计算出的一种输赢概率 “我有五分之一的机会赢这手牌,我下注以后,有6个玩家会跟注,下注概率对我有利”
隐含概率 Implied Odds 通过猜测其它玩家下一步所采取的行动而计算出的一种输赢概率 “我猜测这些玩家在看到转牌与河牌之后都会跟注,因此隐含概率对我非常有利”





How are slots played?

To understand how to play slot machines, you typically start by pulling an arm on the side of the machine or hitting the “spin” button, causing the reels to begin turning. Each reel is filled with various symbols, and the outcome of a spin is determined by the combination of these symbols when the reels stop spinning.


魅力 老虎机的魅力就在于以小搏大,常有意外的人收获,投资小而收益大。 只要投入硬币,然后拉拉把一下,运气好的话,就可以赚到数万美元。 当然,也有高

Is 777 slot real money?

You can play them for free or for real cash, and can even try out the ‘Super 7’ bonus game. The classic 777 slot machine features a bonus round that can give you seven times your bets. You can also try playing them for free to find out how much they really cost.






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