
控池中文全称是控制底池,英文是pot control,意思就是底牌没有好到承受一个巨大的底池,需要做控制免得底池过大。有点类似投资,成功率低的牌投资少点,成功率高牌投资多点。


  1. 两对以上牌力通常有三条街的价值(翻牌、转牌、河牌一个正常尺度的下注)。
  2. 顶对顶踢脚(顶对带A或者K踢脚),大踢脚的牌通常有三条街价值,但经不住大额加注(翻牌、转牌、河牌一个正常尺度的下注,然而下注三条街后被加注通常意味着放弃)。
  3. 顶对弱踢脚,次对(AXX牌面下的KK就是次对),中对(A82牌面的89)通常有两条街价值。
  4. 底对,空气牌通常有一条街价值(通常是一条街的诈唬下注)。 这个是针对不懂读牌,拿到一手牌完全不知道怎么做的新手给的例子,而实际情况比这个要复杂得多,像在8-9-T-J-2的牌面89两对和9set其实没什么区别,都是一手抓诈唬的牌而已,还有公共牌四张同花,你手上有set面对多个人和一对2也没什么区别。


“现场50/100,UTG(under the gun,枪口位置)平跟100,MP(中位)跟注100,其他玩家弃牌,CO(cut off,关煞位)是一个这个级别非常松凶的玩家加注300,SB(small blind,小盲位置)raise 到 1500,CO call

翻牌是T♣-9♥-3♠彩虹牌面,SBbet 2500,CO加注到7500,底池19400。


河牌是K♦,CO玩家all in下注6W+,SB玩家长考后跟注。底池18W。





Are there free slot games that pay real money?

Well, if we are once again talking about social casinos like Slotomania, then no you can’t play free slots to win real money. But, if you do decide to play on casino apps, they have hundreds of slot games available and can essentially be classed as slot apps.


slot または time slot は「時間枠」とか「時間帯」を意味します。 I wanted to reserve a class at 3:00pm, but that slot was already full. クラスを午後3時に予約したかったけど、その枠はもう予約がいっ

Are there any legit online slots that pay real money no deposit?

There are a number of online casinos that offer you both a no deposit when you sign up, while also having an app available for you to download. To name a few of those casino apps that pay real money with no deposit, there is: PokerStars Casino - $100 Bonus Play. BetMGM Casino - $25 No Deposit Bonus.

How do slots work?

Modern gaming machines use computer technology to operate their functions. Slot machine outcomes are determined unsing a Random Number Generator (RNG) which is a mathematically-based program that selects groups of numbers to determine which symbols are selected to produce a winning or losing outcome.

Does got slots pay real money?

-Classic Slots is for use by those 21 or older and for entertainment purposes only. -Classic Slots does not offer real money gambling or any opportunity to win real money or prizes.


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